Memory Fractals: Relationships don’t Really End…

Just because a relationship is ending, doesn’t mean you are throwing anything away!

Memory Fractals


You’ve strained—they’ve gained—shit’s been ingrained too. It’s all a perfect circle that shouldn’t have to be forced back into perfection.


Love ignites ‘best’ friendships with select teenagers for a year or two—until flopping on over to a new BFF. You don’t know how to dispose of or archive those memories, but you do. And while their physical bodies may not be around to remind you of a memory forgotten and unaccounted for, you tread onward. Artfully recalling select instances … fragments. Fractals.

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Evolving as a snowflake-glacier in the process, relationships evolve. They change. They become fractalized in time through experience, and that’s okay! Albeit regally elongated, snail-shell shaped, preclusive…enclosed –they evolve like nature: animals young, flowers, and shadows…

Memory manifests in place of the lack of physicality, and that’s okay. Should you remain friends with them on social media? Maybe. Delete their photos? Some. Speak ill of them behind their back? No, but sure, explain yourself in lieu of slander.


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What is essential then?


  1. Arrive at a peace agreement and redo the borders. This doesn’t mean anything in writing, or even verbatim—but in your mind. In your heart.


  1. Don’t give in to toxic manipulation. Rediscover your limits of comfort and needs for outside discovery, love, and friendship.


  1. Leave with integrity.



  1. Be true to yourself first and foremost, even if it means walking away.


Concl: *The fractals produced may inverse unappealingly, distastefully, or hurtfully—but you always have the option to protect your space, light and future.


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