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‘Our Blood is the Same Color’: A Humans Rights Day Exhibit
“Art transforms boundaries and transforms spectators into advocates, and advocates into leaders. This initiative is deeply aligned with the UN sustainable development goals, embodying a shared vision for a just and sustainable future.” The exquisite “Ripples of Change” immersive art exhibit, appropriately hosted on Human Rights Day at Ideal Glass Studios, encapsulates all that matters […]
A Taylor Swift CULT-Concern: groupies in America!
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Hakan Akkaya Glam Rock
In the early 1970’s, a movement was wriggling around in the United Kingdom. Strutting onto the scene in platform boots, and bellbottoms came Glam Rock. Just a little south-east, at the end of that very same decade, Turkey was developing their first feminist movement. Fast forward to Sunday, four decades later, Turkish designer Hakan Akkaya […]