Kira Koktysh Art Jewelry comes full circle: Mushroom–the Other Kind of Fruit

“Nature is the best Artist”   Staking her claim yet again, as premiere nature jeweler, artist Kira Koktysh has installed the final link to the chain of her Botanical Metamorphosis series: First Seeds to Blooms, then Leaves and Fruits, and now—Mushrooms! The final link—Mushrooms: The Other Fruit—bridges the seasonal life-to-death motif.   Remarkably mysterious organisms, […]


Hermès’ urbanely regal new Boutique: kumquat bouquets & lobster tails

Hermès’ opening of the New York Meatpacking boutique this week prompted a lavishly hip after party at Skylight on Vesey Street. An emblematic foray into Studio54 meets Greek mythology, the Kitchen, Garden Tapestry and Kings rooms transported guests into a royal feast + 1970’s disco fête.   Set amid ancient Mediterranean scenery was the serpentine […]


An Introvert’s Guide to New York Fashion Week

On the top floor of Pier 59 it was pretty much impossible not to feature in somebody else’s selfie. There were strident leopard-print fashionistas strutting and restrutting dramatic entrances into the Oxford Fashion Studio’s waiting room (always recorded by a trustworthy friend); leopard-print solo flyers touched up their foundation in phone reflections, occasionally pausing to […]