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CAAFD: A Review
The Council of Aspiring American Fashion Designers (CAAFD) is a non-profit organization whose goal is to bolster aspiring fashion designers and in their own words, “help those emerging designers get a foot in the door.” Chelsea Piers was packed and of the three designers presenting, the first was Mouton Blanc. In French, mouton blanc […]
Fashion and Fractals: 2 Fashion Designers who incorporate Fractal Art
The term fractal, denoting seemingly chaotic yet intricately comprised geometric shapes and patterns, was first coined by mathematician Benoit Mandelbroit in the 1970’s. Applicable to a variety of cultural arenas, textiles, cellular behaviors, musical sequences, nature and more, Fractyll magazine aims to do a series of feature pieces identifying specific allocations of this sublime artifact. […]
MLK: Beyond the Pale ‘Real Slaves’
Martin Luther King was a poet who painted towering vistas of hope and unity with his words, but between all the metaphors there was a lot more being conveyed. MLK knew there was a greater force of evil that dwarfed racial division, and that these discriminatory practices were just divide and conquer tactics of an […]