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Moncler revolutionizes Winter Sportswear
Moncler hosted a party celebrating the launch of an exquisite new collaboration between itself and Pierpaolo Piccioli at its 161 Prince SoHo store this past week. Advancing Medieval history with futuristic installations reaped with refractive mirrors, geometrical designs, projectors, statues, figurines and wall art–Moncler has officially elevated winter sports apparel to princess gear. […]
A Taylor Swift CULT-Concern: groupies in America!
First of all I’ve never heard Taylor Swift’s music. And I have no desire to. I assume it must sound horrible. With all the marketing and advertising that goes into promoting her I cant imagine it can possibly be good. Also, with the low IQ of her fans, it doesn’t sound promising. […]
NYC Peaceful Protest for Palestine in Manhattan
NYC Protest: The protest for Palestine in Manhattan this past month was one of a kind. Erected in wake of ongoing displacements, settlement expansions, and militarized upsurged in East Jerusalem, Palestinian voices have risen to the surface. Loud and clear, “Free Free Palestine, from the River to the Sea,” descendants of grandparents dispossessed of their […]