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Virtual Gallery Night: Zero Experiment meets David Padworny
Downward spiraling into the Covid-19 abyss, the human need for visual and figurative art magnifies. Lockdown may have stifled many artists’ desire to create, but it has intensified patrons’ hunger to appreciate and engage with the finer arts: Paintings, sculpture, photography, music, film, literature, design and cooking. Entrepreneur and curator Marina Dojchinov recognized this gap […]
OqLiq Gets Personal: Proving that Fashion transcends the Material
It’s NYFW, the Big Apple’s honorary holiday where thousands of people celebrate iconic fashions and yes! It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Last Thursday, I attended the OqLiq show at Spring Studios for FW20. As the lights dimmed, and whimsical Taiwanese music rocked the room, the models, one by one, strut the […]
Swarovski & Karlie Kloss bedazzle NYC
Swarovski celebrated the opening of its Time’s Square store last week at Hudson Mercantile. An architecturally exquisite production space set in Hudson Yards, ascending the old-fashioned industrial elevator was only the third exciting treat. The bedazzled makeshift hot dog stand, welcoming bags and late winter coats was the second, while having […]