On the top floor of Pier 59 it was pretty much impossible not to feature in somebody else’s selfie. There were strident leopard-print fashionistas strutting and restrutting dramatic entrances into the Oxford Fashion Studio’s waiting room (always recorded by a trustworthy friend); leopard-print solo flyers touched up their foundation in phone reflections, occasionally pausing to […]
The “Human Jungle” exhibit
Jetzy hosted “The Human Jungle” art show this week, thankfully extending Halloween beyond the Día de Muertos, or Day of the Dead. Curated by Parisian multimedia artist Aima Saint Hunonj and hosted by the energetic beauty Shama Zehra—art, music, dance, ethnicity and of course—TRAVEL—marked the course of a genuine Fractal, that damp Evening. The makeshift jungle was […]
Dangerous Voice: A Poem
Dangerous Tongue Slicing niceties into blades that scratch away the warm red lip gloss, melt mascara and pop rosy cheeks, Gossip prevails. Mirrors paint her walls, inside & out, she scurries between switches, eliminating facial glitches -with Pointy Fingernails Scissoring up well-stitched inseams and dreams with whispers, words and index finger pointed up, […]
Jetzy’s pre-Valentine’s Day Soirées
There’s nothing more ‘fractal’ than an eclectic group of cultured jetsetters celebrating culture, friendship and romance at a classy Egyptian venue. Hosted by Jetzy, the world’s first geo-location based social app, at the elegant, mosaic-tiled and rose laden Casa La Femme in the West Village, the Valentine’s day soirée centered around everyone’s favorite theme: Travel. Founded […]
MOCA Culinary Exposure, Museum of Chinese in America
“The goal of MOCA’spopularNight Market event is to introduce people to Chinese and Chinese-American cuisine in an easy and accessible way. This way you can sample great signature dishes from 8 different Chinese and Chinese-American restaurants. It’s a simple way to bring the Chinese food culture to the masses.” –Edward Cheng, Advisor for Communications […]
NYC & L.A. are Siblings: Dismantling myths (of rivalry)
‘The 100-degree L.A. heat in October had me envying the crispy coolness of colors bursting from the east coast’s dying leaves. Craving nothing more than the feel of leather, fur, and toasty fires, a familiarity with NYC certainly could breed complacence; an unfamiliarity with L.A. could just as easily feed loss. L.A. propels you to drown […]
Mira Nachman’s Infinite Light–Photographing the Real
Mira Nachman’s first exhibit in the United States, at 3Squared Gallery, showcases 28 large-scale photographs that span the globe. Supplying intimate lenses into the lives of real people, phenomena, and scenarios, Mira carves for viewers a single path that forks into many. Curated by Marina Dojchinov, each picture tells a unique story that magnifies a […]
Space to Place: Dubai to New York City
When do high ceilings framed by skin-bare, unpainted walls and long expanses of hardwood floor start to glitter with lights, and invite? When do pleasant archways successively crowning the shafts of narrow hallways, window-sills, frames and glass bring actual dimension to a space? When people weave in between one another, converse and shed ideas. Like […]
A Telescopic Look at Spooner by Pete Dexter
Spooner, Pete Dexter’s latest creative nonfiction masterpiece, published in 2009, 469 pp. by Grand Central Publishing, steers away from his tradition of fundamentally exposing fundamental bigotry, misanthropy and corruption. Chronicling the minutest details of his turbulent childhood, in a series of quick-shot synapses, fractals come to saturate readers’ foreheads, like milk does an animal’s bones. […]