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Last Minute Holiday Gifts to Make a Lasting Impression
As the holidays draw ever nearer, there’s invariably someone (or “some-two”!) on your list that you still need to find that perfect something more. Here are 10 last minute gift items that pack every bit of the punch of a gift as if you spent months planning it. Vegan, Raw Healthy Holiday Decadent […]
Rolls Royce ‘struts its stuff’ too, NYFW
Conveniently parked atop Canoe Studios in Manhattan’s Western Chelsea, was the totem Rolls Royce: The hot voluptuous car– around which everyone pranced in revelry–with Hennessy. A terrace abundant with prominent lights transformed concerns into dream. Revelry, with Hennessy… angelic caterers and bystanders, mostly dressed in black…(like the car)… pronounced agendas, relevant to steer. Peer-ing forward, […]
An Ode to Veteran’s Day ‘in America’
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