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Street Art Exhibition at Hudson Yards Gallery
Hudson Yards Gallery hosted the opening reception of their ‘street art exhibition’ this past month. Featuring several talented artists, the exhibition, curated by James Weber and Savior Elmundo, pays homage to mixed media aesthetic and fractalized discourses of real-world truths and self-discovery. First, I was particularly drawn to Whitney Anne Marie’s large-scale piece of two […]
Fashion, Beauty and Art
“Beauty, Art and Fashion” event last week on Manhattan’s Upper East Side generated fractals all around. Hosted by Dr.Theodore Diktaban, a double board certified plastic surgeon with over 35 years of experience, his emphasis on one’s natural assets is globally recognized. Public Relations icon Kimberly Schmidt curated the assemblage. Daughter […]
MLK: Beyond the Pale ‘Real Slaves’
Martin Luther King was a poet who painted towering vistas of hope and unity with his words, but between all the metaphors there was a lot more being conveyed. MLK knew there was a greater force of evil that dwarfed racial division, and that these discriminatory practices were just divide and conquer tactics of an […]