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Marcel Ostertag’s ‘Opium’ runway Collection, NYFW 18
‘There is no better a gift on Heart Day, than dynamic fractalized flowers on the runway.’ fs Unveiling an exquisite bouquet of autumn/winter looks this Valentine’s day was German-based fashion fanatic Marcel Ostertag. Titled “Opium”, revealing costumes equipped with conservative appeal graced the Spring Studios’ runway. He fused together the vintage classic with modern edge. […]
Street Art Exhibition at Hudson Yards Gallery
Hudson Yards Gallery hosted the opening reception of their ‘street art exhibition’ this past month. Featuring several talented artists, the exhibition, curated by James Weber and Savior Elmundo, pays homage to mixed media aesthetic and fractalized discourses of real-world truths and self-discovery. First, I was particularly drawn to Whitney Anne Marie’s large-scale piece of two […]
‘Our Blood is the Same Color’: A Humans Rights Day Exhibit
“Art transforms boundaries and transforms spectators into advocates, and advocates into leaders. This initiative is deeply aligned with the UN sustainable development goals, embodying a shared vision for a just and sustainable future.” The exquisite “Ripples of Change” immersive art exhibit, appropriately hosted on Human Rights Day at Ideal Glass Studios, encapsulates all that matters […]