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Riz22 Robinson at 3 SQUARED Gallery
“Stevie Wonder is not a blind man; neither was Ray Charles. When you have imagination and can see things in the darkness, you are never blind.” Riz22 Robinson was born in NJ and grew up in Park Slope, Brooklyn. He started running with the TAT CRU, a group of graffiti artists when he […]
Space to Place: Dubai to New York City
When do high ceilings framed by skin-bare, unpainted walls and long expanses of hardwood floor start to glitter with lights, and invite? When do pleasant archways successively crowning the shafts of narrow hallways, window-sills, frames and glass bring actual dimension to a space? When people weave in between one another, converse and shed ideas. Like […]
“the Other Women” exhibit at Norwood Club
“The Other Women” art exhibit at the Norwood Club Thursday April 6th was fascinating and eclectic. It appeared for just one night and faded out like a star. Eerie photographs displaying woman’s perspectival relationship to her environment, alongside mixed mediums displaying her skewed sense of self eloquently coalesced to construct a complex narrative: A feminine […]